Technical & Risk Assessment for TAC Pertamina EP - BWP Meruap

Engineering Studies

Technical & Risk Assessment for TAC Pertamina EP - BWP Meruap

Client : Technical Assistance Contract (TAC) Pertamina EP - BWP Meruap 
Year : 2012-2013
Status : Finished

Scope of Work :
We did technical and risk assessments for all of the production facilities in Meruap Field that consists of oil production - block station A & B (BS-A & BS-B) and oil storage and loading as a staging area (STA). The carried out assessment in details are as follows:

  • Assessed and redefined the design basis based on the actual condition of the facilities
  • Provided as-built drawings from the process and electrical & instrumentation (E&I) to control & shutdown system and equipment
  • Updated, revised, or developed new drawings, engineering documents, calculations, datasheets, and other details related to all installed equipment in the facilities
  • Developed fire case scenario and inspect the fire fighting system
  • Conducted hazard identification (HAZID) and post hazard & operability studies (HAZOP), recommended the as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) approach for all equipment to ensure safe operability

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